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The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 104 - Recap and Review

credit: The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 104 In the last chapter of " The Greatest Estate Developer ," we witness a series of thrilling events. Here's a quick recap of what unfolded: Queen of Magentano Kingdom " Alicia Termina Magentano " launches an attack on the Ancient Castle, facing off against the Black mage Targa . The queen displays her heightened resilience as she withstands a poison attack, thanks to her rigorous training. In a swift and decisive move, she defeats Targa by cutting off his head. However, her victory comes at a price as she finds herself cursed. Simultaneously, the marriage between Julian and Serajard takes place. MC reveals his plan to live a quiet life and escape the queen's grasp, now being a part of Samarkand's family. A significant revelation occurs as MC realizes he has potentially saved millions of lives by protecting  Serajard  and altering the course of the original novel. MC unlocks a powerful new skill called "


 The story starts when our MC "Yeonwoo Cha" comes from the army to meet his mother who passed away due to a health issue.  MCs mother always tried hard to find her missing younger son "Jeongwoo Cha". Later MC while looking through the only remaining items of his younger brother pick up the pocket watch that he gifted to his brother for luck. The pocket watch which is stopped starts to run again and a record of the diary of his brother in those missing periods starts to play. MC realises about the other world, the obelisk 'Tower of the Sun God', his team 'Artia', his love, the betrayal, War, the elixir to save his mom, his special nature 'Myriad Affinity' etc. After hearing all these journal entries repeatedly MC decides for revenge for his brother's death and all of a sudden MC 'awakens'  and succession begins but succession is incomplete only 5% progress and gets the 'incomplete dragon body' with nature 'Cold Blooded' and skills - 'Dragon eyes', 'Sensory Enhancement' and 'Foresight'.

MC gets ready to enter the new world after he settled on what he needed to be done on Earth and gets the necessary things for his survival. To enter the new world he first participates in the tutorial where he met "Evulke" the host of floor 0  where he gets the trial to complete with the highest score from section A to Section G


In section A, MC is faced with arrow traps, in which if he can dodge red and blue arrows he can get a +1 increase in strength and agility stats and if he gets hit with the yellow arrow he can get +1 in stamina. So later after he passes section A using his skill 'sensory enhancement' when he resting at the resting point he met the 'mysterious merchant' he purchases 10 'reset tickets' to reset the section using all of the stats he acquired in section A as payment. MC  increase his stats maximum possible using the ticket and enter the boss room of section A and defeats it using his physical power and skill 'dragon eyes' and karma points, there he also met "Yule" who has the bloodline ability to see and taste mana.

In section B, "Yule" teaches fundamentals about mana to MC. When "Yule" is about to be backstabbed by his former allies MC defeats them. In the trial, of the 4 passageways since his brother "Jeongwoo Cha" choose the 2nd difficult passageway in the past and regretted later MC choose the highest difficulty passageway.  There he uses the opportunity that his brother mentioned in the journal to harden the skeleton and toughen the muscles by consuming 'white mose' and 'heart of the beast'.when fighting the beast he gets the skill 'physical tolerance', and 'combat will' then he enter the 'temple of the vampire monarch' to get the unique class weapon 'Bathory's vampiric Dagger' which he unseal to 'Bathory's vampiric Dagger true form' which have more power and have skills like 'Bloodmark', 'the vampire monarch's power'. After collecting all the shards of 'Flame heart, Frost crest' he gets the nature 'Reinforced marrow' and his succession rate increase from 5% to 21.3% also 'incomplete dragon body' changes to 'immature dragon body'. Then he met with "Doyle" and "Cahn" who has the skill of 'bug taming'  and MC introduces him as "Cain" and agrees to help them to get "Hargan's Crown" at section E. Later MC passes sections B, C, and D easily.

In section E, MC and the group defeat a scavenger group and later fight the boss monsters to get the "Hargan's Crown". After defeating them he gets 1 of the skill of the boss monster called 'craze' which is readjusted to the skill 'blaze' due to MC don't have enough proficiency in 'Bathory's vampiric Dagger'.Later met the mysterious merchant and sell 'the knife of blue scales' and 'Hargan's nest ownership' for 405 tokens and the 'face of the white ghost' mask. Then MC and team kill the scavengers and the schemers who they saved thinking of as victims of the monsters they killed when they tried to harm MC and team. After this MC and them splits up and MC went to meet Jeongwoo's first teacher "Galiad" to procure 'Undine's Cup' which led to a test to catch him as he hides and "Doyle" and "Cahn" went to 'Arang group' an affiliate organisation of 'blue flower island' Guild to destroy it. MC wins the test as he uses 'Dragon eyes' and gets 'Undine's Cup' and 'Fleet Foot'.As the acacia snake that MC has already died but is reborn by the rituals of orcs when the hungry snake goes out of its den to catch the food MC goes in to look for the secret of the lair and finds a 'humanoid snow ginseng' and consume it and increase the succession rate from 21.3% to 42.9% also 'immature dragon body' changes to 'half dragon body' and gets a new skill 'mana circuit'. Then kills the acacia snake using 'Bathory's vampiric Dagger' and takes the inner orb and absorbs it causing an increase in the succession rate from 42.9% to 92.5%, nature 'reinforced marrow' changes to 'diamond build' also 'half dragon body' changes to 'imperfect dragon body'.After which he gets the rewards for the 2 quests he had taken a '???'s Black Bracelet' which had the skills 'reaping ghosts', 'Blade of darkness' and some other locked skills along with the ability to see dead souls when wearing the bracelet and the title 'Monster hunter', 'the goblin king's eye' and 'the monster's five color jewel' which have 1 skill of 5 different monsters ie. ['Goblin's Feet', 'Kobold's ears', 'Gnole's nose', 'Lizardman's eyes' and 'Orc's Hands']. After MC rested enough after all the transformation. He says goodbye to "Galiad" and went to the headquarter of 'Arang Group' to destroy it and rescue "Doyle" and "Cahn". MC destroys Arang's HQ and rescued them and tortures "Bild" to get the details about what happened after his brother's death and about "Riant" of the 3 monarchs, a lover and a best friend who stabbed his brother's heart the best friend is "Riant". And "Bild" is one of the several players his brother "Jeongwoo Cha" called 'brothers' in the past. After killing "Bild" MC took the 'stone' which is born from sacrificing many players and "Doyle" and "Cahn" decide to retire from this episode to try again next time and they also give up what they accumulated the whole time in the tutorial to MC to increase his ranking, this includes giving 'Hargan's crown' to MC. Using 'Hargan's crown' MC gets 'Vigrid' the sealed evil(Holy) sword.

MC enters section G, MC uses the tokens given by "Doyle" and "Cahn" to increase his ranking and then fights the players who thought to take the MCs points for themself as he is not affiliated to any organisations and is a solo player but MC defeat them all at ease using 'Vigrid's' skill 'the sword's Benediction' and then fight 'Fant' and 'Edora' of the 'single horned tribe' children of 'martial king nayu' using his 'Foresight' skill and defeat 'Fant' and make a draw with 'Edora' but he snatches her tokens that kept safe beside he and use it o increase the karma point and become 1st in tutorial with the highest point in the history and also get a nickname 'Glutton'

After the end of the tutorial, "Evulke" the host of the tutorial reward MC with the 'Iblis' egg', 'the beast king's lion's mane helmet' and 'Zeus'' Key' and then enters the 'Tower' and goes to the blacksmith shop which is shown in his brother's old photo to see the dwarf named "Henova" and asks to make 'Gyas' eye' and also buy ''Henova's magic dagger".Later he asks "Henova" to teach him basic metallurgy so that he can fix himself the pocket watch. Later after 2 weeks, MC takes down people who are harassing "Henova" and beat up the underground organisation 'Night Watch' and made them compensate "Henova". Later one day when MC is learning metallurgy ''Fant'' and ''Edora'' comes to meet him. Then later "Naon Raham" from 'Red west wind' came to recruit MC then others too but MC reject them all, then 'vahal of the fire fist' <one of the red dragon's greatest executives><former member of artia><Henova's Disciple> visits him to recruit but reject him too. 'Magic Armor of Gyas' is completed by"Henova" which has the skills 'dozens of eyes', 'hundreds of arms' and 'Gigantomachia's prevention' and after wearing it his succession rate increased from 92.5% to 99.1% and also get the head armour 'Henova's magic iron face'.

MC starts to climb the Tower, and the first-floor trial is hosted by "Aaron" MC enters it intending to complete it and also get 'Hera's Key' and MC does it using his overwhelming power. Then enter the 2nd floor and met "Johannes" the host of the 2nd floor then enter the trail and complete it and get the 'Demeter's Key'.Within 12 hours and 28 minutes MC reach the 8th floor then on the 9th floor he gets 'Hephaestus Key' later on the 10th floor he gets rewards 'Ice ring', 'skull crest' and 'Hades' Key'.MC breaks his brother's record and as he collected all the 12 keys and keys combined into the 'Olympus' key' and used it to enter the treasury there when he touches the 'Astrape' of Zeus it breaks down on its own and attaches to the bracelet in MCs hand and changes to wrist armour named 'the pitch black king's despair'.And also get 'Athena's aegis' as a cumulative reward for completion from 1 to 10.

At the entrance to the 11th floor, MC met 'Laplas' the host there he gets the egg of a fantastical beast which MC has to hatch to complete the 11th floor. So as a part of hatching to give an attribute to the egg MC goes to the phoenix's den to get a 'spark of life'.MC who got the favour of Phoenix by securing its egg give a quest to get the materials for using the 'spark of life'.MC also use the bracelet to make the ghost subordinate, by this time 'Red Dragon' declare war against 'Blue Flower Island'. Then MC named the youngest child which he saved as per the request of Phoenix "Chirpie" which led to a contract with "Chirpie" which in turn increased the succession rate from 99.1% to 99.5%.MC trains his ghost subordinates and rains himself using the 'Athena's aegis'. After getting ready MC goes hunting to get the ingredients and as MC clears out all the materials on the 11th floor it causes public outrage. Later kills players from the 'Behemoth clan' which is the Blue Flower Island's informant when they try to kill him for clearing out the materials and the informant who gave his coordinates. Then using these materials and part of the soul, Phoenix makes a 'high level-spark of life' and is used on his 'egg' which causes it grows into a huge egg instead of hatching as there is no 'cause' so phoenix tells it may be because MC have no dream of his own only have goals so he decides to give the egg even more materials till it has no other choice but to hatch. 

MC goes to the 'single horned tribe' with the messenger from 'single horned tribe' "Yanu" to meet 'Edora' to find a solution. 'martial king nayu' promise to give 'Seed of the moon' which helps the egg to hatch and in turn have to participate with 'single horned tribe' for helping Blue Flower Island defeat Red Dragon and MC agrees to this . 'single horned tribe' always stayed neutral but as the 'spear Martial God' of Blue Flower Island who is from 'single horned tribe' offered his 'horn' in return for helping out, so they are participating for the first time in history. Later MC defeat "chang" of the white celestial family which is one of the 51 families of 'single horned tribe' to showcase his power to the 'single horned tribe' and then requests martial king nayu' to learn martial arts and he gets full access to the bronze class martial library on a condition that he has to get enlightenment from martial arts without the help of anyone within 4 days. While learning MC acquire the nature 'Energist', the title 'pioneer' and 'one blessed by mana', skill 'qigong' and as he get enlightenment his succession rate increased from 99.5% to 99.7%.MC completes the task by creating a high-level martial arts 'thousand wing qigong' and as a reward for that 'martial king nayu' give MC the martial arts text 'eight extremes fist' and the right to the 'Lunar sword'.

Just before the 'single horned tribe' going to participate in attacking the city 'kuram' 'martial king nayu' teaches MC the first and second move of the 'eight extremes fist' and MC learn it easily by using 'dragon eye's to analyse it, thus he learns the upper part of 'eight extremes fist'. So so has to try it out 'martial king nayu' helps him by destroying the city 'kuram' and kidnapped the semi ranker "Shannon" who is the captain of the 8th unit of white draconian which is the subsidiary of the red dragon for fighting MC and MC defeat him.

Later when is meditating MC realise that "Chirpie" is in danger so he went there only to see that Phonix is dead and realise that it is the Knife martial God that killed them. Pheonix thought that remained there tells MC to take care of "Chirpie" and in return gives MC inheritance of 'the spark of life [essence]' which gives MC the title 'Phoenix's successor', mastery of skill 'Blaze' reaches 100% thus changes to higher skill 'craze' which evolves into the skill 'sacred fire [numbe 050]' and his succession rate increased from 99.7% to 99.8%. MC goes to help the other 3 sacred beasts with the request of "Chirpie" only to see that both the 'nihilist dragon' and 'Abyss turtle' is already slayed but they give MC their blessing. 'nihilist dragon' give 'the nihilist dragon's favor', 'the nihilist dragon's divine protection', the title 'the nihilist dragon's contactor', and a quest to defeat the enemy and the 'Abyss turtle' give 'the Abyss turtle's divine protection', a quest to find the successor, the title 'Abyss turtle's proxv', the skill 'Blue spirit's divine protection [temporay]'. Even though Saber tiger didn't at the time but later die as he did not take the MCs advice and as prideful tiger didn't give the inheritance MC used 'Bathory's vampiric Dagger' to suck the life force and vitality of tiger which increase his succession rate from 99.8% to 99.9% and get the title 'saber tiger plunderer'. All these titles of 4 sacred beasts combined to form 'sacred beast successor'. MC give the ghost marble to "Chirpie" and it evolves which is taken as the end of his trial on the 11th floor.

MC goes to meet the 'martial king' to tell him that he is withdrawing from the battle and the 'martial king' agrees to it and gives the remaining middle and lower volumes of 'eight extremes fist'. Mc along with ''Fant'' and ''Edora'' goes to the Red Dragon to see "Vahal" and to join and as a gift, MC also bring the layout of Blue flower Island's camp. MC join as captain of the foreign legion's second unit and fant trains the subordinates. later MC gets ready to go to the 16th floor to capture the knife martial god's son who is hiding in the ''Temple of 3 sitting Goddesses'. On the 12th floor, MC orders the subordinates to collect 'jewels' of fire' and other materials to give to "Chirpie" and his demons and before he goes to the 13th floor the host 'Laplas' appears and delivers a message from one of the devils residing in the top of the Tower that- "Among the 3 sitting Godeses, Beware of the eldest". Then MC completes the trails from 13 to 15 and enters the 16th floor: the passage of the wheel of life, in there MC collects the materials Jewel of fireIce crystals, and Frost Roses from the subordinates and then goes to the Skuls's Temple (1 of the 3 temples) and beat the temples people and capture the son of knife martial god "Hanbin" and give it to "Vahal" who use him to threaten Knife martial God to get stone from Riant.

To emotionally traumatize and to make sense of urgency to get the stone  "Vahal" send Knife Martial God's sons 1 finger and 1 eye one after another. This led to the Knife martial God fighting "Riant" but the sword martial god tries to resolve it but couldn't as Knife martial God gathers all his trusted subordinates to fight sword martial god and Riant. In the end, the sword martial god with overwhelming power defeats the knife martial god who used the 'Blood droplet orb' to strengthen and before he dies he sends the orb which is the combination of the orbs of 4 sacred beasts to a coordinate which is mentioned in the letter sent by "Vahal".During this time, Red Dragon with the lead of the summer queen gets ready to enter the portal to the base of Blue Flower Island. 

Meanwhile, when these are happening, MC uses part of the materials he gathered to evolve voo[the voodooist's soul] into a sane lich who can use his new and past-before-death skills and MC gets the title 'one who leads death' also MC make semi ranker "Shannon" who he killed into his demon subordinate and evolve it into a Death Knight

Red Dragon with the lead of the summer queen exit the portal to the base of Blue Flower Island.  MC who exits with them senses the mana from the orb so before it gonna disappears he absorbs it and completes his succession rate from 99.9% to 100% and awakens his dragon body and gets access to the part of the locked- dragon's treasury, dragons knowledge and dragons power also his nature diamond body changes to dragon body. As the knife martial god died he completed the quest from the nihilist dragon and gets the marble of the abyss and the wrath of the nihilist dragon. Then MC goes to kill "Vahal" and "Riant", "Riant" uses the fantastical dragon's energy which is from the orb of MCs younger brother's partner dragon and 'Gungnir' borrowed from the sword martial god to fight "Vahal" but in the middle of fighting MC cuts of "Riant's" head and MC fights "Vahal" using his newly found power and kills him and kills his subordinates using MCs summons. Later devour their bodies using 'Bathory's vampiric Dagger'  and absorb the souls of "Vahal" and "Riant" using the bracelet's power



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